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  • August 5th, 2022
  • Education 

Bal Vikash Teachers Training 2022

Institute of Sri Sathya Sai Education Nepal (ISSSEN) organized 7 days’ residential Bal Vikash Teachers’ Training Program from 29th July to 5th August 2022 at the ISSSEN training centre, Kathmandu. All together 72 teachers took part in the training program that is organized twice a year. Of these 52 participants were from the private schools. Over the years, SSSSON have been training teachers of private schools who later have started Bal Vikash Classes in their schools. Topics included in the program are: “Life & Message of Bhagawan Baba”; “Overview of Sri Sathya Sai Organization and its Activities”; “History of Bal Vikash”; “Japa Dhyan & Prathana”; “Learning Process”; “Human Values in Daily Life”; “Dynamic Parenting; Five Teaching Techniques”; “Ceiling on Desire”; “Food and Habits”; “Inter Faith”; “Teacher as a Role Model”; “Local Festivals”; etc. Pedagogy adopted emphasizes on practical model classes by the participants so that after the training each participant is capable to conduct Bal Vikash class independently.

The participants, especially the teachers of private schools, were very impressed with Swami’s Teachings and expressed strong commitment to implement them in their classes and the personal life as well. The program, started with the Omkaram and Veda Chanting, came to conclusion withMangal Aarati to the Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

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