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  • September 20th, 2022
  • Education Youth 

Integrated Personality Development Program

The upper threshold of Bal Vikash class is 14 yrs. After graduation from Bal Vikash, it is not until another four years that such pre-youth become eligible for enrolment as youth. During these formative four years, there are chances of such youth getting strayed away from the organization mainstream unless activities of their interest are not conducted to keep them embraced. In view of large number of such pre youth in the country, SSSSO Nepal has established at national level a separate Pre Youth Wing to take care of their interests. Of the various activities, one identified by SSSSO Nepal is the SSS Integrated Personality Development Training Program.

Institute of Sri Sathya Sai Education Nepal organized 5 days Residential Integrated Personality Development Program for the pre-youth from 16 – 20 September 2022 at Kathmandu. Altogether 47 pre-youth took part in the program. Topics included in the program were “Purpose of Human Life”, “Human Values in Daily Life”, “Self-Management”, “SSS Global Council: Overview & Structure”, Team Management”, “Stress Management”, “Facing Life Challenges”, “Selfless Service and His Works”, “Loving and Effective Communication”, “Social Networks and Cybernetic Values”, etc. The program also included panel discussions with eminent speakers on topics: “Sri Sathya Sai Baba and His Message”, “Balancing Life Challenges”, “Say No to Drugs” and “Adolescent Health Issues”, etc. The highlight of the program was the online talk by Sri Nimesh Pandya, Vice-chairperson, Sri Sathya Sai Global Council.

The SSSSON includes few participants from outside the organization in every such training programs. As in the past, this year too, such participants were very impressed with Swami’s teachings and expressed their strong commitment to imbibe in their life the teachings of Bhagawan Baba.

The culmination of the program shall be the graduation ceremony of the participants at Prashanti Nilayam in November, 2022. The program, started with the Omkaram and Veda Chanting, came to conclusion with Mangal Aarati to Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

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