Loving Sairam,
Congratulations, for being officially enrolled in the International Veda Training Program. Since Swami has highly emphasized on chanting of Veda, our efforts to take such a beautiful step towards this goal would definitely make Swami proud.
To move forward, it is essential that we are all connected through a common platform for sharing any information related to Veda. Hence, SSSIO Nepal Veda Team has formed a “National Veda Learners Team” on a Online Messaging Platform known as the “Telegram“. This is the official communication platform used by SSIO globally because of it’s remarkable features.
If you have already joined Telegram, please click on the link below right away to join our National Veda Learners Team.
Click on this Link to join: https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAEaE7Qr4oreiVMycKw
Please try to help us connect all registered delegates as soon as possible so that we can all get started with the learning process. If you have not joined Telegram yet, you will need to install the Telegram App on your phone or computer. The link to download Telegram is listed below:
Android download Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.telegram.messenger&hl=en
iphone / ipad download link: https://apps.apple.com/app/telegram-messenger/id686449807
Laptops/ Desktops: https://desktop.telegram.org/
Let us start this beautiful journey by helping each other learn Veda as a way of offering our Love To Swami..
Jay Sai Ram
National YA Veda Team