95th Birthday Projects

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95th Birthday Projects

Projects under 95 Global Communities

Sustainable Support (Education, Medicare and Sociocare) to adopted communities
After the earthquake SSSIO Nepal has constructed Water Projects and Houses at following places. SSSIO shall continue to support these villages with Educare, Medicare and Sociocare
  • Saigram, Lele – 32 Houses and one Sadhana Bhavan
  • Saigram, Khalte – 22 Houses and one Sadhana Bhavan
  • Saigram, SatrasayePhate – 6 Houses and one Sadhana Bhavan
  • Saigram, Baluwa – Water Project and one Sadhana Bhavan
  • Saigram, Baraha – Water Project and one Sadhana Bhavan
  • Saigram, Arghakanchi – Water Project and one Sadhana Bhavan
  • Saigram, Chhatiwan – Water Project and support to school
  • Irautar – Water Project and support to the community
  • Chhinchu – Water Project, one sadhana Bhavan and support to the community
  • Musahar tole, Morang – 12 houses
Construction of Sri sathya Sai Bagmati Uddyan(Garden), Kathmandu
This project is initiated by the government to protect the banks of holy river Bagmati. Government has allocated stretches of lands to some religious and social organizations (Art of Living, Rotary International, UNDP etc.) for the construction and maintenance of the garden. SSSIO Nepal has been givern 650 meters long land along the river. The garden will also have Inter Faith Pillar, Rest Rooms, etc. Young Adults and senior devotees have been doing cleaning and planting of trees at this land as part of Go Green movement
Building Construction of Sri Sathya Sai School, Pokhara
The Sri Sathya Sai School, Pokhara, established 15 years ago, is still running in a leased land. The lease agreement would expire in next fiver years. Therefore, it has become imperative to construct the school and hostel buildings before the expiry of the leas agreement. Since this is a long term project, by 95th at least hostels, kitchen and dining room shall be completed
Establishment of Homes for the Stray Animals
It is common practice to abandon old animals in the country. These animals having lost their shelter stray around here and there in the street. SSSIO Nepal is running a SSS Home for the Senior Citizens, SSS Orphanage for the Boys, and separate SSS Orphanage for the girls. But there is no shelter for these animals. Hence, a Sri Sathya Sai Home for Stray Animals shall be established where the animals would receive nutritional fodder with utmost care and love. Some farm land for fodder growing shall be bought and a shed constructed.
Construction of Sri Sathya Sai Water Filtration Projects(SaiJal)
Everyday about 2,000 patients visit the District Government hospital, Bharatpur for medical treatment. But there is no facility for purified drinking water. SSSIO Nepal has taken up construction of a Water Filtration Plant and Garden at Bharatpur, Chitawan, Nepal
Up-gradation of Existing Sri Sathya Sai Health Center, Kathmandu
This health center was established in the year 2000 on the occasion of 75th birthday with an objective of providing free health service to poor people. Every year it has been providing medical services to about 15,000 patients. The equipment therein have become obsolete and require replacement.
Sri Sathya Sai Community Drinking Water Project at Shyangme, Dhading
This is the eighth Water Project foundation stone of which has been just laid down. This would serve 246 households composed mostly of Chepang, a socially and economically deprived tribal community. Barring them, all other surrounding inhabitants composed mostly of elite castes have access to drinking water. This truly goes with Swami’s saying, “God is for one who does not have anybody”. The project would have a holistic approach. Besides providing drinking water, the project would have Education, Hygiene and Sanitation, Spiritual components. The project is being implemented under the leadership of youth wing of SSSIO Nepal. The project has been adopted as a zone 4 initiative with youth in the lead.
Homes for the Flood Victims
Continuous torrential rain for several days in August 2017 caused devastating flood in many southern parts of the country. While over three hundred people were washed away, one thousand houses collapsed. A small hamlet of 15 houses of Chamars (Cobbler), socially outcast and economically very under privileged community, lost every thing including their houses. SSSIO Nepal has taken up construction of 12 houses fo them
Construction of Sri Sathya Sai Community Drinking Water Project, Saigram, Khalte
The SSSIO has constructed 22 houses and one Sadhana Bhavan at this place after the devastating earthquake that raked all the houses of the hamlet. Recently, geological changes underneath resulting due to the earthquake has caused drying of the spring water source which was the mainstay of this hamlet for drinking ware. The SSSIO will construct a Water Supply at this hamlet.
Establishment of Sri Sathya Sai Health
SSSIO Nepal is running four medical clinics. Another medical clinic shall be established


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