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  • March 16th, 2024
  • Devotion Service 

Mahashivaratri – Medical Camp

Mahashivaratri, one of the important festivals in Nepal, is celebrated with great fervor and devotion at the Pasupathi Nath Temple in Kathmandu. The occasion attracts thousands of Pilgrimages from various parts of Nepal, India, and other countries as well. As in the past, this year on 8th March 2024, about two million devotees were estimated to have had Darshan of Sanctum Sanctorum of Pashupatinath Temple. For Sai devotees the day is of immense faith to realize the innate divinity, quoting Swami this is the day “when man is able to experience the divine state of being- awareness- bliss” (Sath – Chit – Ananda).

With the Blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organization Nepal (SSSSON) every year, celebrates Mahashivaratri in a grandeur manner. Sai Centers across the country celebrated the day with Special Bhajans and some centers celebrated with Akhand Bhajans as well.  As in the past years, SSSSON organized a day long medical camp and blood donation program at the Premises of Pashupatinath Temple. Many of the devotees coming from warmer climatic areas to pay their obeisance to Lord Pashupatinath, become susceptible to the chilling weather condition of the Kathmandu Valley requiring medical attention.

 The medical camp service started with Omkaram and Veda chanting, in all 230 patients received loving medical attention, care, and medicines. The Blood donation camp organized with the support of Nepal Red Cross was able to collect 28 pints of Blood. The program concluded with Mangal Aarti to Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

SSSSON, pays its gratitude to Bhagawan Baba for continuously giving the opportunity to Serve Him through service to others.

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