Sri K. Chakravarthi, Chairman, Sri Sathya Sai Global Council (SSSGC), is on a weeklong visit to Nepal from 5 October, 2023. In recognition of his contributions to the mission of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, he was received through the VIP channel at the Tribhuvan International Airport, Kathmandu with tumultuous welcome by office bearers of Sri Sathya Sai Global Council and Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation Nepal (SSSSON).
The visit started with a courtesy call on His Excellency the President of Nepal. During the visit, he briefed H. E. the President about the selfless service activities conducted by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and continued by the SSS Central Trust Prashanti Nilayam and the SSSGC around the world. On the occasion, H.E. the President gladly accepted the gift packet offered by Sri Chakravarthi that contained a photo of Bhagawan Baba framed in an exquisite wooden carved frame and a silver box with Vibhuti. Sri Chakravarthi also extended invitation to H. E. President to visit Prashanti Nilayam which H. E. the President, gladly accepting it, said he would definitely visit Prashanti Nilayam for Sannidi Darshan at a suitable time in near future.
Earlier, he was warmly welcomed by office bearers of SSSGC and SSS National Council at the central office of SSSSON at Kathmandu on the morning of 6 October, 2023.
He was then heartily received by the secretary and senior office bearers of the Pashupati Area Development Trust at the premises of Pashupati Nath temple who led him to abhisekham at the sanctum sanctorum amidst Rudram chanting by about 30 Sai youth, a regular activity of Sai youths of Nepal at Pashupati Nath temple. Later that morning, he visited Sri Sathya Sai Centre Uttar (North) Kathmandu, which has constructed in its annex, a SSS Patient’s Rest House to serve with shelter, food, medication, etc. the financially disadvantaged patients of the rural areas who are referred for advanced treatment in the cities. He was deeply moved to see a ten years old boy, who had lost his right leg and hand in a fire, now regaining the capacity to move around on two feet after nine months of continuous dedicated treatment sponsored by the centre. It was reported to Sri Chakravarthi that 48 financially disadvantaged patients received seva at the rest house last year. Similar rest houses are also constructed at Pokhara, Narayanghat and Siddharthanagar.