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  • August 15th, 2022
  • Recent Programs 

Interaction Program on Environment

Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation Nepal (SSSSON) organized Interactive-Presentation on the ways to save energy in the households to help Save the Environment from the harmful consequences of energy waste in houses and kitchens. The Second Program on the School Reach out Series of the SSSSON, conducted in the initiation of Sri Sathya Sai Environment Protection Committee on 15th August 2022, for the students of Class eleven and twelve of Shree Nandi Secondary School at Naxal, Kathmandu.

More than 99 percent of household energy in Nepal is in the form of Electrical and Thermal energy. As such, any change in wasteful habits goes a long way in saving of foreign exchange resources, reducing ambient air pollution and emission of carbon dioxide, the greenhouse gas. The interactive lecture was delivered separately for electrical and thermal energy.

The program started with Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s Divine instructions in the use of natural resources.  The technical and behavioral issues that affect the use of electrical and thermal energy in the rooms and kitchen were discussed in easy-to-understand terms and tips were given for utilizing the energy in the most efficient and appropriate ways.

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