Nepal is a country of diverse climate with varied weather conditions. While every year hundreds of people die of Cold Bite from the Cold Wave in the southern plane, no less number die of snow fall in the northern belts. Seva dal of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation Nepal (SSSSON) keeps itself on its toes ready for distributing blankets before such weather sets in. Every year hundreds of thick woollen blankets are distributed.
This year too, 1457 pcs of warm Blankets along with Annual Calendar published by Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organization Nepal was distributed to underprivileged and economically deprived population which include single women, helpless, Dalits and old age. Many people die annually in this part of country due to lack of woollen clothes and blankets. They used to shiver due to cold breeze all the night and some old age persons die of these waves. This was well received by the occupants of the village who expressed their love and gratitude to Bhagawan Baba. The wonderful day of Manava Seva, initiated with Omkar and came to close with peace prayer to the beloved Lord Sri Sathya Sai Baba.